
Monday 12 August 2013

Pierce: Rivers did not throw the "Boston"

Paul Pierce - about the changes in life, respect for "New York," the situation in the "Boston", favorite movies, Deron Williams and Mikhail Prokhorov.
- How is your summer?

- Awesome. Encouraged by the opportunities that present themselves in the "Brooklyn." - I've heard that you are still confused in the New York tunnels. - Yes, you need time to figure out which of them move better. You need to understand how best to go to a particular place in order to avoid traffic jams. - How often do you communicate with Jason Kidd? - We're not talking a few weeks - from the press conference. But before it communicated frequently. Finally going to move to New York, probably in the first week of September to be closer to teammates before the start of training camps. - I'm surprised you just now for the first time in his career changed the team. - Really, everything is new. Therefore, often visited the Big Apple. This summer, come here for the third time. - What do you think how much time you will need to ensure that played out, finally to build rapport? - It's hard to define a specific period of time. It is necessary because in the beginning to understand what kind of atmosphere prevails in the collective. For example, we are with Kevin and Ray have played instantly. But this fact can not happen every time. Although I would like to repeat that situation. But, as I said, the exact date can not be called now. After all, mutual understanding - this is what happens by itself, without outside interference. - In recent years, Deron Williams was truly one of the best performing in the NBA. However, it still lacks stability. What do you think, will you have to promote the progress of Kevin Deron just as once happened with Redzhon Rondo? - Yes, without a doubt. Deron - the best team player. I think this season he will be fighting for the title of MVP. Williams will try to push the fact that he was the best point guard in the NBA. Kevin and my efforts to raise his game to a new level. - Then wondering how are you going to do? - He just needs to be more close to us. Learn the habits by which we get to the rings. We have to show him how to prepare for each game, that is, how to sleep, and so on. And, of course, do not forget about the benefits that we can bring to the site. Stretch the defense, provoking an opponent on the double wing. In order to help the team, we do not even need to hold the ball constantly. - you were talking with Mikhail Prokhorov? - Yes, we had the opportunity to see him at the press conference. Looks like a tough guy. He likes the squad, and he's going to get it up to championship rings. To do this, in fact, created by this command. Of course, you can say that "the Nets' need 20 years to get on a level with the" Bulls "," Lakers, "" Celtics "," Knicks ". I mean not in the game plan, but in terms of prestige, recognition. But I think that "Brooklyn" it would require a shorter term - 10-15 years. - It's great that you set for yourself only the highest goals. - Otherwise, no way. It should again win the rings - and other tasks before him did not deliver. In this case, we not only want to succeed here and now, but also lay the foundation for the future success of the team. - Jason Kidd said that for extra motivation Trust will include their movies. - Yes, so many coaches do. - If you were the coach and tried to motivate the players, what movie would include? - Probably something from the classics of the genre. I love old movies. In the first place, "Rocky", I guess. The film of all time. Sometimes I listen to the song "Eye of the Tiger" just before the matches. Then, perhaps, would include the "Team of the State of Indiana." This two films in which I grew up. - I always wondered what NBA players listen to before matches ... - Nothing is certain. Depends on my mood. If I do not like the team with which to play, turn something aggressive. - That is, if you walk in the corridors, "Madison Square Garden" ... - Also will include aggressive music. - Your aversion to "Nix" has always been evident. - Yes, it is. "Madison Square Garden" - my favorite site ( laughs ). Even the rivalry, "Boston" to "New York" could be called a kind of derby. What can we say now that we stand in the same city. Before the confrontation, "Clippers" and "Lakers" it was difficult to call the principal, but the first is gradually gaining the respect of the association. In the same way, "Nets" are gradually moving to a new level, even more than the heated interest in the fights with the "Knicks." - was recently made ​​a calendar for the coming season. Already circled some dates in red? - To be honest, as long as it was not possible to study it. - Perhaps a return to Boston will stand emotional. - Yes, definitely. I'm spent nearly half his life in this city. Friends will be there. Fans, season ticket holders ... I did know many of them. - Some members of the media say that Doc Rivers simply gave up, "Celtics." How do you feel about this? - Well, I'm familiar with the situation from the inside. Many things have been exaggerated by journalists, but in general, Doc said he did not want to become part of the restructuring team. After the end of the season the squad has decided to go another direction. Maybe the part of it looked like Rivers has decided to leave the team and cast. But in fact it was a two-way process. As well as us with Kevin. None of us wanted to be a part of the restructuring team. We have done so much for the franchise that eventually "the Celtics' decided to help us. Doc went to Los Angeles, well, we went to a "Brooklyn" in the hope of the title. Nothing more, nothing less.


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