
Friday 7 June 2013

NBA. Final. Miami-San Antonio Preview

Yuri Dziubenko why wins Miami (Miami Heat) 

Third year in a row Miami (Miami Heat) comes out in the NBA Finals, the second year in a row - after semi match confrontation in the final of the East. Pacers fairly shook the nerves and strength of Floridians, but the seventh game showed that with time and psychological resistance at southerners all right. However, we can say that for Miami (Miami Heat) playoffs is just beginning. If in the first round of the Hit actually did not notice Milwaukee, (Milwaukee Bucks) then the last 12 games against Chicago (Chicago Bulls) and Indiana (Indiana Pacers) had to play around in the same style against arhizaschitnyh teams. Spurs - the opponent completely different format. last two opponents reigning champions have been relatively limited in attack, relying on the defense-minded.

However, in this situation to win a well-balanced Miami (Miami Heat) , who caught a crisis, it was impossible. Neither Chicago (Chicago Bulls) , or Indiana (Indiana Pacers) failed to hold even two in a row, "Duncan wiser, more experienced, the attack is stronger than Hibbert, but it does not work well to protect the three-second zone, as did central Indiana (Indiana Pacers ) "strong match in terms of attacks, that just might give San Antonio (San Antonio Spurs) . Spurs, perhaps, the second, and perhaps the first team in the league in terms of balance of attack and defense, which might lean in one direction and then the other without affecting the final result. Popovich has collected a very flexible team, able to quickly adapt to the strengths of the opponent, and almost his own weapon to win. Miami (Miami Heat) in the current playoffs, and possibly for the last two seasons, has not yet met with the staff. By the final Spurs came almost at the peak of their capabilities - a series against Memphis (Memphis Grizzlies) is proved. Nevertheless, for Heath also open some perspective, even against such a powerful opponent. First, the Spurs do not have the same physics and athleticism, who was in Chicago (Chicago Bulls) and Indiana (Indiana Pacers) . In this regard, previous contestants well podnataskali Hit, which will have an advantage in the power struggle with the Texans. Duncan wiser, more experienced, the attack is stronger than Hibbert, but it does not work well to protect the three-second zone, as did central Indiana (Indiana Pacers) . As a result, the raids Wade and James in "paint" have become more frequent. It is fraught with foul trouble, contact the game simulations, but an additional trump card up his sleeve at Spoelstry already. And on the other side of the pad. Pacers in winning matches just break Miami (Miami Heat) in the three-second zone, which can hardly be expected from Spurs. At the end of the East most of the goals of the shaded area Hibbert scored and West. Of course, there were passages of George, but in a battle with Spurs Duncan will not destroy the "paint" is hot - there is a fear and relief from back-court in the person of Tony Parker (Tony Parker) as well. Frenchman , according to some U.S. analysts, is now the best player of the playoffs after James. If Chalmers with Cole, which greatly added to the defensive skills, will be able to slow down the Spurs defense, then Popovich will be deprived of a strong weapon that destroyed the hopes of Memphis (Memphis Grizzlies) for the final. It is said that the crisis was Parker recently. In the series against the Golden State (Golden State Warriors) its percentage of hits was sometimes at Bosch in the series with Indiana (Indiana Pacers) . It is doubtful that against Tony Heath will punctually issue on 30 + or stable overclock super  attack Texans. Yes, Miami (Miami Heat) is not as impenetrable wall as Memphis (Memphis Grizzlies) , which fell to the Frenchman, but Hit first, more experienced than the Bears, and secondly, the defense can build any formation, whether it personal, against one or two leaders, or against the whole team. ability to move the ball and sniper attacks from behind the arc - the main thing is to be feared Hit. If Miami (Miami Heat) will protect the perimeter of the way early in the season, then there will be trouble, but if it is carefully organized child care  distant positions, especially in the corners, then another powerful trump Texans can not be played. Good ball movement involves speed - this is the element not only Spurs, but Miami (Miami Heat) . It is worth noting that even the powerful protection against Indiana (Indiana Pacers) the amount of losses Hit seriously "In this series, James will certainly want to have to deal with personal schikov. At this time, stop the most useful player last regular-season attempts Kawai Leonard" dropped. It is clear that with the increase of fast attack errors may occur, but the overall trend of lean handling the ball is positive. And in some matches of Miami (Miami Heat) can cross the opponent's corny. In this series, James will certainly want to have to deal with personal schikov. At this time, stop the most useful player last regular-season attempts Kawai Leonard. It is difficult to say who is stronger plays defense - Leonard or George. The game leader Indiana (Indiana Pacers) against James was outstanding. LeBron all seven games was the best scorer of Miami (Miami Heat) , showing a very decent percentage of medium to long range, but under the ring, where George blew it with enviable regularity, were in the form of figures Hibbert. In San Antonio (San Antonio Spurs) such a center there. There is another pillar of the defense, but not so physically strong to sow doubt about the intentions of James. The main problem that can create Leonard and Danny Green (Danny Green) - Hit it from the three-point limit. However, in the final of Floridians out without the help of sniper squad Hit. While in the post-season, long-range artillery Miami (Miami Heat) works with major blackouts. Not so smooth and Spurs, who alternated good match with point failures. Factor driving bombardment play an important role in the series, and in this regard to give someone an advantage is very difficult. It is possible that the seventh game against Indiana (Indiana Pacers) will be some of the crisis, Miami (Miami Heat) and the beginning of a new upswing. According to Duncan, a pause of more than a week - it's not the best time of rest for the final series. San Antonio (San Antonio Spurs) may be trite to lose tone after a very powerful series with Memphis (Memphis Grizzlies) . Bosh certainly be easier against the Spurs front court than against an impassable Hibbert, who forced Chris to apologize to their fans for the game's failed in the first six games. Even in the final of the injured Wade will have to give at least a few performances, "a la the seventh game against the Pacers." But Flash is quite able to fool the Green ... In opposition to the Texans will not work, "History is not on the side of Miami (Miami Heat) "alternate setbacks with a positive, there will need to be made ​​available in each match. Without quality care bench against Duncan and company have no chance, but in the face of Bench Hit Butt and Allen should finally show their teeth. 's worth noting that the story is not on the side of Miami (Miami Heat) . A total of six times in the final between teams, one of which won the conference finals, "dry" and the other consumed during seven matches. In this scenario, four times he took the title of the club, which had a long rest before the final. Spurs have never lost in the final of the series, and the 2007 James remembers. If in 2011, Dallas (Dallas Mavericks) took revenge for the defeat of Miami (Miami Heat) in 2006, now it's time to answer LeBron San Antonio (San Antonio Spurs) for the debacle six years ago. With the ability to Hit play on the road, the Texans will be very difficult to win all three matches on the dance floor, but Miami (Miami Heat) have to stop play on the dance floor in the first two games, as it did in the last two series. Tishchenko Nikita: Why win San Antonio (San Antonio Spurs) , Tim Duncan (Tim Duncan) has never lost in the NBA Finals. The same, incidentally, applies to Tony Parker (Tony Parker) y, which is often overlooked in the debate on the best European player in NBA history. In addition, we can not ignore the fact that six years ago, these players are more than confident beat James in his first and, as it turned out, the only part of the Cavaliers in the Finals. Not surprisingly, most of the questions were addressed to the participants of the series in the allotted time for the press, treat it to the Final-2007, when the Spurs won the team LeBron 4:0. 

However, too much play on the nostalgia and memories of that confrontation does not make sense. The easiest result: James became a six-year better with Duncan Parker - is six years older. But if often the aging process brings with it a loss of motivation, this is out of the question in the case of the Spurs. After that final six-year-old "Over the past two seasons, the finalists had never met each other optimal formulations" was the last performance of the Texans at this level. And all this time, even the most successful season invariably ended in humiliating defeat in the playoffs, and twice - in the first round, staying in the status of favorite. From all that has been said Spurs players in the last week, we can conclude that this team craves victories no less than any other NBA team. interesting feature of this analysis is the fact that teams have to compare exclusively in absentia - for the last two seasons Final participants had never met each other optimal formulations. The closest they have come to this in January 2012: The Hit then could not count on Wade, but still won by the great third quarter, the Spurs having shot from long range. Meetings this season and did just remember that both coaches decided to ditch the ratings of prime-time television channels broadcast the matches, and played their away games reservists. Now, of course, this does not happen, except that the Spurs will be considerably lower than in the account - Popovich does not hesitate to throw out the white flag early. Another thing is that the Spurs are already sufficiently sat idle. Of course, I mean their ten-day long wait until the Hit understand with Indiana (Indiana Pacers) . Typically, as long stretches of rest have a negative impact on the state of the team - basketball players simply lose the tone of the game and instead it is better to recover and get the match over fresh leaves, as they say in English, "rusty". And yet, if there's a team in the league, which is able to maintain the rhythm even without matches, then this is the Spurs. First of all, because for the third consecutive year, Popovich is consistently wide airplay all of its performers. Of course, first of all these measures relate to Duncan and Parker, but the rest of the starting five players get their rest days. However, such shuffling minimally affect the progress of the team, which is likely, subject to some more general biorhythms and usually subsides when the time comes to playoffs. Well, this year the trend has finally broken - from round to round the wards Popovic only picked up steam and dry victory in the final conference series has only confirmed that an experienced mentor has finally figured out the causes of decline of his team at the end of the season. As playing style, then personally I am surprised how little attention is paid to the similarity opponent in the final in this component. Although the team went to its current model of the game completely different ways, the final destination of these came out very similar ways. And if we agree that the participants are the face of a series of crucial modern NBA, it must be said that it is quite pretty. Both teams prefer a fast basketball with lots of movement, as with the ball and without the ball. With a focus on long-range shots - almost any time of any attack each team has at least two, and often three players at the arc, ready to throw the ball as soon as they catch him (Butt, Allen, Chalmers, Cole and Lewis have Miami (Miami Heat) and Greene, Neil Leonard, Bonner and Ginobili in San Antonio (San Antonio Spurs) - an unprecedented abundance of Catch-and-shooters). A key figure in the game both teams is a player that can both pass under the ring and start playing any of their partners, and this, of course, "If we agree that the participants are the face of a series of crucial modern NBA, it must be said that it is quite still-pretty "Parker at Spurs and James in Hit. At the moment, to find justice for these basketball players are incredibly hard - much easier to close their partners and to give them an opportunity to fight for the victory (in fact that Indiana (Indiana Pacers) made ​​with hot, in most games the final series of the East). However, let's face it, this is for both teams - the road to nowhere. And one, and the second team playing better than when their best player scores 30 or more points, and when several players in the rolled over the mark of 10 points. Because we talk about the fact that some of the opponents is inconvenient for someone - is meaningless. Both teams are so comfortable with each other as much as possible, because some arguments in favor of San Antonio (San Antonio Spurs) worth looking into another field. For example, in the camp of Miami (Miami Heat) . Probably not a good look for the benefits of the opponent's problems, but ignore what is happening in Hit - do not. After a record for itself in terms of the effectiveness of the regular season Wade and Bosh carried antirekordny discover the playoffs. Of course, Dwyane their game in the seventh game slightly dimmed talk about their problems, but that does not mean they all disappeared. At the moment, Flash does not look like himself - he was not so dynamic in the aisles of a ring, sometimes can not implement even the most simple lay-ups, have forgotten how to use his size and just terrible throws the race. Defend against this Wade will not be too difficult, and Green will easily cope with this problem. Especially because he has managed to close the much more dangerous Curry, from which it was impossible to retreat a single step. Wade also important to limit the passage to the ring, and there are even throws - the Spurs will only be happy about this turn of events. It is worth remembering that in this season the third room of Miami (Miami Heat) were already tangible problems with the game, but then the defender was able to confidently respond to the criticism by issuing a series of great matches, realizing more than 60% of their shots. However, is hardly to be feared this transformation - Wade very much concerned about the knee injury that just will not heal by itself. Problems Bosch are no less evident (11 points and 4 rebounds per game with the implementation of 38% in the series with Indiana (Indiana Pacers) ), and the reasons for them no less mysterious. On the one hand, Chris is also injured (he sprained his foot still in the same final series of the East), but his injury is not as serious as that of Wade. On the other hand, he was probably too exhausted physically strong game against the West and Hibbert. But in this case the Finals against San Antonio (San Antonio Spurs) did not earn him considerable relief - the duo Duncan-Splitter does not look much nicer. But without the feasible contribution of these two by the Hit remain a genius James and a bunch of role players, each of which may or may not catch the throw, and noted "the wheel" in the box score. Anyone familiar? For example, Cleveland (Cleveland Cavaliers) of 2007, which was accompanied by LeBron Snow, Hughes, P., Gooden and Gibson. We have remembered what it was over six years ago, and although James was better (which does not tire of reminding Duncan, Popovich and James himself), similar to the alignment is still clearly not at hand the reigning champion. Naturally, in order to limit Miami ( Miami Heat) just such a set of options that you need to go all out on defense. And again, again, there is no better candidate for this than the current Spurs. Their attack is so good that many do not realize how good their defense. Laurels defensive teams in the playoffs have already received Chicago (Chicago Bulls) (very over-priced, it should be said in this component), Indiana (Indiana Pacers) and Memphis (Memphis Grizzlies) , but it is the San "Without a feasible contribution from these two Hit leaving only the genius of James and a bunch of role players, each of which may or may not catch the throw, and noted "the wheel" in the box score. Nobody familiar? For example, Cleveland (Cleveland Cavaliers) of 2007, "Antonio tightly closed murderous bunch Carrie Thompson, and after ate with giblets and bones the three of them Grizzlies Conley-Gasol-Randolph. If you take the percentage of the opponent, the better ones in this post-season were only Atlanta (Atlanta Hawks) , Boston (Boston Celtics) and Oklahoma (Oklahoma City Thunder) , if the points scored rivals - just ahead of Miami (Miami Heat) and New York (New York Knicks) to Boston (Boston Celtics) (who are in this list only due to the terrible impact of the series in terms of each other in the first round of the East). Their starting five is, in fact, only one person who can not be called a classy personal protector ( Tony Parker (Tony Parker) ), and he will face one of the least dangerous rival players, which means it will be enough just to post or Chalmers Cole open on the arc. We all remember how hard it was to Miami (Miami Heat) play tenacious defense against the Pacers. So, Spurs promise even more difficult, perhaps insurmountable challenge for Champions. Not least because it protects even better. So that they can still consistently score points. And because they do have in the stars - people who are ready to take up the ball at a crucial moment and bring results. And because Tim Duncan (Tim Duncan) has never lost in the NBA Finals. We could not be ignored.


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