
Tuesday 11 June 2013

FIBA - the NBA. Whose rules correctly?

Not so long ago, "SE" bang their heads two basketball world on both sides of the Atlantic. But does it make sense to spend between Europe and the NBA parallels or look for differences, while "we" and "they" play by different rules, sometimes - diametrically opposite? In the problem versed commentator, "SE" and the legendary Vladimir MOZHAYTSEV last arbitrator, one of the most influential members of the Technical Commission of FIBA ​​Mikhail Davydov.

MOZHAYTSEV : - The trend towards convergence of the rules of FIBA and the NBA is obvious. In the Old World, more thinking about the importance of the commercial component of basketball. A better role model than the NBA, is not found. In America, the rules of the most spectacular contribute to increasing the number of episodes. And Europe, especially its main club tournament - European League, tries to move in the same way by lobbying the overseas treatment of the basic laws of basketball. Although the difference is still missing ...

Davydov : - I would like to remind you that one of the main goals of the FIBA and had a desire to unify the rules of international competition. In the 30-ies of the last century, there were rules of the American, British, French, Soviet ... and mastermind of "association" was made ​​by the future first FIBA Secretary General Renato William Jones, who championed the idea until his death in 1981.

The situation changed dramatically in 1992, when the first FIBA ​​admitted to their competitions professionals. Up to this point, many fans were unaware that the NBA is living a completely different laws. But after the Barcelona-92 FIBA ​​she started to take active efforts to move closer to the strongest league in the world.

What is the main issue? FIBA oversees basketball on five continents and in 217 countries. Holds tournaments for women, students, children, veterans, amateurs. Well, male professionals, of course. To come up with rules that would be suitable for all of these categories - a very daunting task. In this case, the main criteria here only two. First - Entertainment, the second - equal opportunities for attack and defense.

In the NBA there is a clear bias in favor of the first criterion. However, FIBA ​​is not afraid to borrow from the Americans, many things. However, at the last meeting of the Technical Commission of the general line was as follows: a revolutionary change is strictly not necessary, every innovation is necessary to take a very careful and balanced.

1. Three-point ARC

MOZHAYTSEV : - It is the difference within the three-point arc (until recently, it was 98 cm!) for many years doing basketball in the NBA and the rest of the world in various sports. The logic is simple: the further away from the ring arc - the thinner the protection and more opportunities to beat an opponent one-on-one. That's why the ocean is so much beautiful slam-dunks, while in Europe the team often performed for the game more three-pointers than two-pointers. After all, the goal of "fibovskoy" distance is much easier than 7 meters 23 centimeters.

This has been proven American professionals, arriving at the FIBA tournament, stamped long-hitting batches. The most revealing in this regard was the 2010 World Championships in Turkey, after which the radius of the "fibovskoy" arc and raised half a meter (up to 6.75). Then Kevin Durant and K on , as it seemed from the outside, were simply not able to miss from a distance!

Davydov - I fully agree: it is a difference in the rules - is key. The three-point line in many ways defines the tactics and strategy of the game, and its further movement in the near future can resize "fibovskih" sites and make them exactly the same as the NBA.

Over the ocean, by the way, the arc also periodically move. Moreover, in different directions. From 1994 to 1997 she defended the ring at 6 meters 71 cm, after which it was again returned to the previous level - 7.23. But the direct relationship between the amount of long-range shots and three-point radius is actually not. Studies have shown that what pushed the FIBA ​​line at 50 cm, the European snipers did not attack much less likely.

If the percentage in the NBA three-point attempts is 20 - 22 percent, in the international basketball from beyond the arc is still produced about one-third shots. Who knows, maybe the situation will change drastically when the radius finally become "enbeashnym." A Spanish ACB League, by the way, it is going to be closed by setting the line at 7 meters 25 centimeters. Sometimes the voices in favor of seven and a half feet! But for the foreseeable future, "fibovskaya" arc will likely stop at 7.15.

It may also change the format of the playing field. In the corners of the distance from the three-point line to the side of too little - because of snipers often intercede heel into touch. Along with the expansion of the site - is a variant of 17.5 meters instead of the current 15 - and its proposed extension from 28 to 30 meters. The most as big a "new platform" among admitted to the Technical Commission proposals - 30x20 m!

2. Three-second ZONE

MOZHAYTSEV : - Recent changes in the size of the three-second zone were designed to make life easier for. It must be confessed: the world is becoming increasingly rare classic fifth "Numbers" - the master to push the opponent back and do "hooks." The audience has always appealed to play "a la Shaquille O'Neal." So wait for the reconversion "colored rectangle" in a trapezoid in Europe hardly worth it.

Davydov : - The rules of FIBA 2010 boundaries were changed three second - with a long rectangular to trapezoidal, as in the NBA. It quickly affected the nature of the game pivot. Today, the "low" position of the fifth European "numbers" have increased in activity, largely copying colleagues from the NBA, although I felt more comfortable in the free-throw line - and even further.

Alexander Belov, Arvydas Sabonis, Dirk Nowitzki - they did not hesitate to attack with 5 - to 7-meter distance. Now the demand for high and powerful hitter, owning art of dribbling it back to the basket. In turn, the defending vigorously fight "punching" - and, as a consequence, European basketball is more contact.

3. THREE SECONDS in attack and defense

MOZHAYTSEV : - Many people mistakenly believe that the NBA is forbidden zone defense. This is not entirely true. Over the ocean, the player can not "lose" your opponent and go for a safety net if the process takes more than 3 seconds. Otherwise - a technical foul. Understandably, this is aimed at improving the entertainment, because when the European "zone" when not moving away from the central ring, a dunk is much more difficult ... However, in my opinion, this restriction would flatly contradict the spirit of the game. Another thing - three seconds in the attack. This rule must exist as long as there is a very basketball!

Davydov : - "Three seconds in the attack" appeared when a ring dominated by giants such as Uvays Akhtaev (height - 236 cm - Note. "SE"), Janis Krumins (218), Juliana Semenova (210). Dominated by giants such as in France, and America. Something to counter them was impossible. Therefore, while they are in close proximity to the ring and restricted.

But the U.S. typically does not allow to "lose" in the protection of an opponent by more than 3 seconds, really directed solely at improving the entertainment, the growth of a slam-dunk. That's why FIBA ​​unlikely to take it on board. As I said, one of the fundamental principles - defense and attack should be on equal footing. In this case, in fact, a safety net is forbidden ...

Some propose to make the game less than a three-second zone regulated. For example, allow a player without the ball to be there up to five seconds. Or intrude there for any period of time with one foot. Perhaps in the future, this "basketball offside" does undergo changes ... But this is unlikely to happen soon.


MOZHAYTSEV : I - clearly for the American interpretation, in which the ball is in the imaginary cylinder above the ring or on the bow, you can not touch.

Davydov : - This rule applies only to the men's competition. Children and women smack the ball with bow, in principle, they can not. Well, perhaps that is the American who recently in his first game in the NBA scored twice from the top (it - about 22-year-old central "Phoenix" Britney Greiner. - Approx. "SE" ) ...

But ideally should be equal chances for all. If the players are some low Asian teams make good throws, and their giant opponents constantly whisk the ball with handles - is unfair. So theoretically the convergence of FIBA ​​and the NBA are possible.


MOZHAYTSEV : - And here is much more than it seems fair to me, "fibovskaya" version of the rules. Constant disputes, first, hinder the game, and second, taller team gets a deliberate advantage. For example, in a match NBA some "kid" grabbed the ball in the hands of Dwight Howard. It seems to be well done, perfectly fulfilled episode. But no benefit to his team this mini-feat will not bring, because the controversial win your opponent who is above you head and shoulders, it is unrealistic.

Davydov : - The debate about the "rule of arrow" do not cease. His opponents, among them a number of specialists Euroleague, believe that the alternate possession in disputed - is unfair. There are proposals to limit the effect of the arrow 38 minutes. And this approach has a reason. After all crucial possession gets it in the end.

6. 14 seconds or 24?

MOZHAYTSEV : - Reduce the time to attack from 30 to 24 seconds has gone for the benefit of European basketball. As well as the subsequent modification of this rule, according to which for a foul and the game kick the defending team time to attack or not reset or set at around 14 seconds. It seems logical to go even further - and after offensive rebounds to give the attack on the same 14 seconds, not 24.

Davydov : - it does not seem logical to you. FIBA Technical Commission has decided to recommend to make a corresponding change in the rules.

The time allowed to own teams to throw for many years is one of the important features of basketball. History remembers the 45-second time limit. In the NCAA , and now play with the rule "30 seconds." FIBA has long passed for 24, and tireless advocates of increasing the rate of the game apply for new reductions limit to 22 or even 20 seconds!

7. Duration of the fourth

MOZHAYTSEV : - Here change nothing. It is clear that Americans need more playing time (and clean and dirty) for profit growth. And the rest of the world to increase the duration of the matches is inappropriate. First, adjust to a different rhythm of the game will not be easy - and it will certainly result in an epidemic of injuries. Second - FIBA official competitions will have to significantly stretch out. A calendar so overloaded.

Davydov : - The idea to increase the duration of each period of 12 minutes - in the NBA for Europe is traditional and is announced regularly. It is obvious that the time format match (40 and 48 minutes) affects replacement slot efforts by personal disorders which may obtain basketball.

By the way, there is a proposal to add another major period. But the most "impressive" wishes to be considered to play five periods of 12 minutes or 4 - 15. Justification? For 40 minutes of "clean time" fans, they say, do not have time to enjoy the match ...

In short: how many people - so many opinions. But while FIBA ​​will stick existing format: four quarters of ten minutes.


MOZHAYTSEV : - With the NBA All clear: the more pauses in the game, the more advertising revenue, the more fans will eat popcorn. And here in Europe now with the number of time-outs - is too much. Stop the endless dry basketball game break into fragments. In my view, the optimal number of time-outs for FIBA - one in the morning and two in the second.

But the rule that the NBA player may ask for a timeout during the game - is nonsense. More than 90 percent of the pause is taken in a situation when a player carrying the ball is trapped pressure. What then do the coaches make sense to invent something?

Davydov : - Initially, this rule was not invented in the NBA, and NCAA . My daughter Marita is now playing for the team at American University - so she told me, "Dad, I picked up a season 15 time-outs ..." You are right - this assumption is not too fair, because it creates an uneven playing field for offense and defense.


MOZHAYTSEV : - In the NBA worth every second is obvious. In Europe, it would be prudent measure "pure" time in the final minute of the first, second and third quarters. Very often, passing the ball for 30 seconds before the end of the period, the defending team enters it into play immediately, "eating" a few moments. And thus "stealing" from the opponents attack.

Davydov : - In America, broadcast each match takes more than three hours in Europe - the TV on such a "victim" will not do. Therefore the technical commission recommends that judges FIBA maintain maximum dynamics of the game. Let's say that the time-outs lasted strictly one minute and a half ... not endless pauses, which in America needs to advertisers, viewers are annoying.


MOZHAYTSEV : - basketball players themselves often say that only during the match, trying to find out "the bar allowable hardness", which is set by the arbitrators. And it is unlikely to do something about it. The same contact can be assessed quite differently. The only reasonable measure - to spend more joint workshops referees, players and coaches, going through all the subtle nuances. But this is certainly not a panacea.

Davydov : - Here's the difficulty. In Europe, all my life, ever since Jones was the concept of "two steps." But then came the notion of the United States supporting leg. That is, if a player did not get the ball in the jump and landed on both feet, in fact it is just one step, not two. It radically changes everything! Players will become difficult - but the judges something even more difficult. Sometimes, to be honest, even the most experienced referees miss these details and do not record a run - though the latter is formally took place.

Another difficult moment for interpretation - when the player starts up and the first step is making before the ball hits the floor. It seems to be a run, what is there to argue. But in the NBA, Michael Jordan this "welcome" regularly used, beat rival, flew over the ring - and hammering balls into the basket. Just try, the referee will not count 2 points ... In America, the audience paid $ 500 for a ticket to see it on such flights, and not on how pedantic referee has fixed a technical error. And most importantly, the referee themselves are well aware - and therefore sometimes turn a blind eye to violations.

Well contacts ... Gradually power struggle has become so much a part of basketball as a fight - in hockey. Contrary to the principles laid down in the XIX century by James Naismith, who defined as non-contact basketball sport. Is this good or bad? Everyone has their own opinion. Personally, my - nothing good about it. I watch the brilliant pasami Sabonis much nicer than a demonstration of the power Shakila. But here - every man to his own taste.

At the judges' seminars all these new contacts, which did not exist before - the game pivot at screener understand the time. Both in Europe and in the NBA. But to reach a consensus extremely difficult. Almost Utopia.


MOZHAYTSEV : - To come to some kind of uniformity of interpretation and it is impossible. It is all about the professionalism of the judge. As well as the artistry of the player.

Davydov : - At one of the seminars FIBA Papaloukas I asked why, in principle, the players are falling in contact? And whether it is possible to deal with the simulation? He said: "I was a kid my coach taught us that no matter how you hit - you have to stay on his feet. But you, dear referees never give the attacking player offensive foul, after contact I stay standing ... Even if I was a hit, but I'm still on my feet - no whistle. " On both sides of the ocean problem is equally relevant.

12. CONVERSATIONS with referees

MOZHAYTSEV : - In my opinion, the dialogue with the players arbitrators - an integral part of basketball. The only pity is that they are usually only hear sitting in the front ranks of journalists and fans ...

A current example. The last match of the final series of VTB United League, Vorontsevich throws a three-pointer, smears - and the bench, "Locomotive" prescribe technical. I was sure that the railway was punished for having some of their spare shouted and prevented the striker army. And it turns out, while throwing coach Yevgeny Pashutin owners ... touched Vorontsevich. There can be no question - technical. But if the referee could explain to the audience his decision - the passions would immediately asleep.

Davydov : - Before the NBA players were arguing with the referees much more frequently and at a much higher tone than this - and often with impunity - are doing in Europe. But at some point David Stern began to punish severely "talkers" dollar. Spoke - Pay a fine. Once again - to pay again, and have a little more. And very quickly it paid off. But I do not see how in the world to introduce the same system of penalties.

13. ARC, for which does not fix the offensive foul

MOZHAYTSEV : - flimsy rule. European players sometimes do not really understand why this arc is needed. And continue substituted by opponents even in the immediate vicinity of the ring. In the same fourth match of CSKA and "Loco" was an episode ...

Davydov : - This is - one of the most striking examples of the gradual convergence of the rules of FIBA and the NBA. 95 categories for the competition basketball is usually no need. Moreover, even in the Euroleague (the organization is actively advocated the introduction of American innovation), this happens once in 25 matches. So, in fact, many of the new rules do not affect the game too. Or - do not influence.


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