
Sunday 1 September 2013

"Goverla" - "Vorskla" - 1:2: Negroznaya "Goverla" Round 8

Goverla - Vorskla - 1:2 (0:2)

Goals : Gromov, 23 (0-1). Yanuzi, 25 (0-2). Ikande, 55 (1:2).

"Goverla" (Uzhgorod) : Nagy, Curri (Lazevski, 41), Orosz, Lissitzky, Cradle, Balafas, Pukanych (Balashov, 46), Truhin, Ikande, Lysenko, Babyr (Le Tallec, 46).

"Vorskla" (Poltava) : Nepogodov, Perduta (Lagos, 61), smoking, Dallku, Supai, Dedechko, Chesnakov, Child, Gromov (Silyuk 69), Mishchenko (Sklar, 86), Yanuzi.

Penalties : Curri, 38. Yanuzi, 47. Supai, 64. Mishchenko, 73. Silyuk, 74. Balashov, 90 +2. Nepogodov, 90 4 (warning).

Judges : Head (Severodonetsk) Czos Petrakov (both - Kiev).

August 31 . Uzhgorod. Stadium "Avangard".

Perhaps of all presented in the championship standings teams, namely "Goverla" with "Vorskla" can boast the status of the most astonish. So, Poltava, who spoke ambiguously last season, surprisingly, perhaps, even for themselves after eight rounds settled in fourth place and it looks like not going to the competitors.

Strikes and the team Vyacheslav Grozny. Apart from the fact that the updated "Goverla" has become a real labor exchange for the young, and already almost been written off from the accounts of players, Uzhgorod, showing good football, are still in the same place as last season. But if at the start can be easily justified by the fact that the calendar is defined in the championship contenders alone grants, after two consecutive defeats from "Carpathians" and "Vorskla" mentor titled "Goverli" it's time to wonder: in the right direction, he leads his team .

Unlike Basil Sachko, which in the starting lineup only surprised Artem Gromov, who replaced Ivan Krivosheenko coach Uzhgorod released from the first minutes of those whose appearance in "Goverle" a couple of days ago, was discussed only at the level of rumors. So, rented from "Illyichevets" Adrian Pukanych took up a position in the center of the field, rather than coming up Vitaly Kvartsyanogo Alex Babyr - on the right side of midfield. It is difficult to assess the actions of newcomers in his debut match, but the fact that after the break, they did not come out on the field - probably says a lot.

Beginning of the meeting held in fairly leisurely pace - rivals in no hurry to force the issue and more engaged in the destruction of germs attack each other than the active creation. However, it would be naive to expect that the team will continue to operate and continue in the same spirit. Finished with intelligence activities "Vorskla" with "Goverloj" gradually started the game on a collision course. Interestingly, the attack of both teams tend to pass through the right flank - the hosts are active soloist Truhin, and the guests stood Supai and Gromov. It Artem and was soon rewarded for their activity, being the first to the rebound after hitting Oleg Mishchenko.

In less than five minutes as the players' Goverli "once again had to plant the ball from the center of the field - Yanuzi seeing a header completed the transfer Sapaya from the same right wing - 0:2.

Despite the overwhelming desire to do some due to crushing, and others - at least to reduce the gap, before the break, the audience did not see heads. However, in the second half of the team scored only one goal being scored for two - in the 55th minute, taking advantage of a good cross from Balashov, his goal scoring Ikande.

It is clear that given the chance to save the situation, "Goverla" large forces rushed forward, but in the actions of players traced some uncertainty, and especially in the final stage. As to the "Vorskla", is not really trying to get to the goal, Poltava still managed to play is concentrated in their possessions. This tactic eventually brought minimal victory and a well-deserved three points.


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