
Friday 16 August 2013

The needs of the NBA Eastern Conference teams

Our reviewer versed in whom most need each of the 15 Eastern Conference teams NBA.
Requires a spare for. Like a year ago, with the interseasonal policy of the club is to pay tribute to Mr. Ferry. In two years, "Hawks" have lost two of three key performers - but it seems that the recession will be avoided again. After replacing Smith formally came Millsap.
Maybe not so hyped athlete, but hardly inferior predecessor in efficiency. But the care of patchouli can affect the team is not the best way. Yes, it would seem, from the fifth issue of the indwelling of the mother's back Horford, much is required. Nevertheless, Georgians, even despite a modest playing time, permanent staff helped the rebounds. Particularly offensive rebounds. How to make up for the loss and at the same time reduce the burden of the Dominican giant? Came from "Olympiakos" Antic often acts in procrastination. Petro certainly does not look like the best solution. Hope only freshman Nogueira, selected by the 16-th number in the last draft. "Boston Celtics" Wanted: increase the number of rebounds. Last season the players, "Celtics" were taken by an average of 39.3 rebounds per game - second in the league. Of course, at the end. Of course, statistics can be partly explained by unpresentable strategy Rivers. Mentor often forced to flee their wards to half court before being released player, "Boston" ball touched the bow. Thus, preferred not to risk a fight on another board, and stop an opponent in an attempt to create a fast break. Be that as it may, rebounds - is the traditional weakest point of the collective. Came Olinik, Humphries and Wallace can partially help in solving the problem. Let's see how this can be in practice. "Brooklyn Nets" Requires a spare guard. With all due respect limitless this author to Shaun Livingston , the latter can hardly be considered as a worthy mate Deron Williams . Primarily because of the absence of a stable (and indeed any exist) throws and susceptibility to injury, point guard broke a promising career. However, overseas colleagues have proposed a "plan B" - to use as a spare rated first number of different artists. A sort of "psevdorazygryvayuschih." After all, at least take the ball to someone else at the half, "Nets" just have someone: and Pearce, and Johnson, and even Kirilenko. "Washington Wizards" is required: to pray for the health of the paper on "Washington" looks like a clear candidate for getting into the playoffs . And, perhaps even to the last eighth stitch. However, just like a year ago. However, last season hopelessly blackened injuries to key performers. Wall missed 33 games, Nene - 21, Ariza and Bill - to 26. At this rate, even though the summer gain is extremely difficult to demonstrate at least 80% of the true potential of the team. So fans of the capital remains the only team to offer up prayers to heaven for the health of their pets. "Detroit Pistons" Wanted: Stable "truckers." front line "Detroit" can already be called one of the most promising in the league. However, in order to Smith Trio - Monroe - Drummond earned its fullest, the squad blood from his nose requires maximum return from snipers. This in turn will free up space giants and keep the opponent from using dual custody to them. The benefit of training in order to establish a threat from the perimeter, Maurice Cheeks enough. You can indefinitely repeat that Jennings is not able to choose the moment to throw, but even last season, he implemented the 37.5% "treshek" Further attempts at 5.8 per game. It should also help promising newcomer Caldwell-Pope and good-looking in the last season Singler. Finally, if Billups and Meggett will heal old sores and also will benefit, "long-range artillery," the club will have to be afraid. "Indiana Pacers" Requires minimize losses. Last season the ratio of the number of transfers and losses, "Pacers" ranked last in the league : one technical flaw had only 1.34 pass. A partial solution to the problem of collective leadership was engaged in the off-season, and drove Gerald Green, Tyler Hansbrough and Jeff Pendergafa.

However, to get rid of a significant lack of progress is not possible without George and Hibbert. The first is often allows to drive themselves into a corner from which the banal can not get out. The second is sometimes inhibits the development of the attack, allowing the opponent to turn the double wing and make centering wrong. Understanding some of the nuances of the game comes with experience. Let us hope that a couple of key players, "Indiana" Explain how it is possible and necessary to avoid losses in simple situations. "Cleveland Cavaliers" Wanted: Small Forward. Earl Clark and Alonzo Gee - the players are not bad. But at the moment, alas, is clearly not pull on the role of small forward in the starting five. This position is still the weakest in the club. The benefit out of the situation a few. The first - to hope for progress of these artists (who knows, maybe the skin of the third issue of fit and Sergey Karasev ?). Second - use on the problematic position of other basketball players roles. For example, to experiment and to put on the problematic position of the same Bennett. In addition, from time to time, you can use ultralight top five with a trio of Irving - Jack - Waiters. And finally, the third - to exchange during the season. Not a bad option, given that the talented "big" in the team even more than enough. "Miami Heat" Required: Solid centerline. centering position is still the weakest among champions. Not from a simple fact of life is a line closes Bosh. Of course, the skill of Chris enough to compete with most of the rooms fifths of the association. However, in competition with Hibbert, Lopez, Noah or Horford growth and power of the former player, "Toronto" is still lacking. Joel Anthony in turn lack of skill. As for Chris Andersen , it is also likely fourth. Not to mention the fact that, despite the huge amount of block shots, it can hardly be considered sensible, "the destroyer." Hope for the reincarnation of Auden inspires fans of "Hit". But it is doubtful whether the injury-prone center-solve the problem. Even if you spend the whole season. "Milwaukee Bucks" Requires unload Mayo. , who came out of "Dallas' quarterback will be the main attacking option team. However, for though he sometimes got more or less convenient opportunities to throw, Larry Drew to flirt, and other charges. On the "big" except Ilyasova , the opponent's half of the pitch is nothing to hope for. So, it's up sniper talents Delfino and the Nile , experience Ridnur and speed Knight. "New York Knicks" Wanted: move the ball. Last season game, "New York" can be conditionally divided into two halves. The first wards Woodson hit debugged attacking interactions, dynamics and murderous attacks "long-range artillery." In the second action, "Nix" in the opponent's half of the pitch often reduced to a primitive-insulated with Anthony and Smith . It is worth to mention that in the first case, the squad was considered almost equal competitor for the "Miami", while in the second group are not easily bypassed "Boston" and took off in the second round of the playoffs? The arrival of Bargnani, recovery Staudmayr , end playing career Kidd, as well as care and Novak Copeland will only aggravate the situation - and Mike Woodson will have to break your head over how to get Felton company and move the ball on offense. "Orlando Magic" Requires deal with the "traffic "on the shooting guard position. Why take a number two draft pick the player who is not even prepared for the role in the starting five? Ask about this guide, "Orlando". No, do not think we respect your Oladipo . In the potential of high-speed and working-Man no doubt. But the trouble:


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