
Thursday 1 August 2013

Steve Nash of Milan Inter changes in the NBA

Steve Nash - of Milan "Inter", changes in the NBA, the difficulties in adapting to the "Lakers", a meeting with Howard and favorite TV shows.
You may have heard that Steve Nash will participate in drills soccer Milan "Inter". By and large, this exercise can not call it. Rather, this is just another media event, just before the basketball player who spoke with Grantland about basketball philosophy, the future,
"the Lakers' final series of the NBA, Dwight Howard and more. - It may have already received letters to e-mail from the players, "Inter"? For that try to take someone else's place in the lineup? - I do not think anyone is going through at this point. In football, once 18 players can be in the application. However, even those who did not get a number of substitutes are considered full-fledged players in the club. Maybe this will give me a small chance. - What is your main football skill? - Distribution transmission, probably. - Come on! How boring. - Yes, it's very strange. - What is the goal of your training? We even know that you are damn good at football. - But amid these guys can look very bleak. The task - to make the team (laughs) . The second goal - not to embarrass myself. Yet I have no illusions about the fact that I find a place in the lineup. - But enough about football. I've always liked the way you talk about basketball. If this ever mention the process of team building, relationships within the team and so on. Today dialogues about such things - a rarity. For some reason, most people only care about three questions: Who won? Who lost? And who won a ring? Where did you come from love of detail? - I can not say for sure. I guess I just love being part of a team. And I always have. I was lucky enough to perform in groups, which felt comfortable. Not only in the NBA, but in his childhood. In addition, the sports world is obsessed with statistics and results, as well as 24-hour news cycles, sooner or later begin to irritate. Because of this, the focus is shifted from the things that really matter. For example, in reality, the team played? You do not win every night, but maybe, the team looks pretty good? As they move the ball in the attack? Do they understand each other in basketball defense? Now, in the North American sport we reached what is important to only one thing: you won or lost. I do not think it's like that time when I first came into the league. - Seriously? - I do not know. Never felt like I needed to win at all costs. But now with this media attention have to be tested, exciting stories. There should be a victor - and must be a loser. Everything is divided into black and white. But there are other things. - This is why the pursuit of individual players for rings frankly annoying. I remember that team, which played Jerry West, lost a lot of finals series, before he became a champion. Nevertheless, it was named by Mr. Clutch. In other words, you can not go up to the title, but still win respect and be considered one of the best players of the association. Now, it's almost impossible. - That's what I'm talking about. I do not know where it came from. When I first came into the league, it was all different. If lost - well, took it. Yes, I had a chance to win, but somewhere just out of luck. Or rather even, not that unlucky, just different things happen. There was no division between black and white. Much more interesting was to dig into the details. - At the end you are rooting for, "San Antonio"? Yet experienced team, and with Diao you are friends. - Yes, a little worried about them. Wanted Boris prevailed. And, of course, feel boundless respect for Gregg Popovich. He's a great coach - always support him. That sounds strange, considering how many times the "Spurs" blocked the way the teams I've played. However, this does not mean that I would not want to win, if fate has brought us on our way to the championship. - Do you see the "San Antonio" features "Phoenix" D'Antoni time? Popovich acknowledged the influence of the tactics to his current strategy. You were talking about this? - No, I have not. But here's what an interesting thing - on Gregg seen as a cold-blooded man, almost military. But he continues to adapt to the league, subtly felt the change coming. - Could get a good team of "the Lakers' last season, if all the key players avoid injuries? Could you put the scheme into practice with D'Antoni, Gasol and Howard? - I do not think we could even in theory, to use the strategy that has brought success to Mike in "Phoenix." We did not have snipers to stretch the opponent's defense. Not to mention the fact that a bunch of Gasol and Howard ... pretty specific. Also, do not think that D'Antoni himself wanted to instill us with the same basketball, as in "Sons" at the time. Rather, he just wanted us to act more quickly, combined active. However, I do not think we've ever moved the ball well as they should have. Of course, partly to blame, and an epidemic of injuries that prevented played as it should. But the blame for other things. - Were you nervous about having to play on the same team with Bryant? In the previous command because it is you possessed the ball most of the time. - It was not that nervous. Rather, it took for granted. I knew that the new place is waiting for me a completely different game. When you come out with Kobe, most of the attacks the ball should be in it - and rightly so. - At the same time last season, where are you more likely to get an attack on you get the ball ... - But do not always work well. This year I will try to add to this component. As you said, in the "Phoenix" I almost did not get such a chance. Last summer felt extremely uncomfortable, fulfilling this item. - Seriously? But then the idea is the simplest of all possible throw. - Yes, you're right. But when you attack after years of dribbling, it is extremely difficult to adjust to the fact that the attack after receiving the ball. However, working on it. It seems that even in the last season, by the standards of the league, face in the dirt did not hit. - For you, does it matter what your throw is considered one of the best in history? Players generally pay attention to things like "Club 50/40/90"? - It is, because people are too often talk about it. But in general, I have always wanted to attack with a high percentage to instill confidence in teammates. Always knew that if I throw effectively, will not have to throw a lot. Coaches often ask me to attack more often. But at the same time, teammates know how well I would not throw, you still will be sharing the ball with them. This is encouraging. - I can not ignore Dwight Howard. Let's talk about the meeting that took place between the pivot and the "Lakers." You were just sitting in a conference room and waited for him to arrive? - I've seen it before, as we entered the room. Even talked a minute. - And Jim Buss also was? - Yes. - How was the meeting? You agreed in advance on the order in which you speak, and so on? - We had a plan. At first Dwight acquainted with vnebasketbolnoy party. But later we - Mike, Kobe, I, Mitch, Jim and Tim Harris - spoke directly about the sports component. - Stories told you personally? - First of all, the fact that he was disappointed the last season and I want another chance. I hope not to use too many cliches. And, secondly, noted that such a great organization - a priori the best option for him. - And Kobe did use the word "teach"? In the context of "I will teach how to win"? - Maybe. I do not remember word for word, to be honest. - How long will it all last? - The second part took about 45 minutes. Maybe an hour. - Who do you look for in the first place during the play pick-and-roll? On the defender, who takes care of you? "Big" who tries to prevent the transmission of your destination? Or on the other three contenders? - The second option. But, in fact, the only "big" may hinder the development of the combination. - Then who is in the league, in your opinion, the best in terms of protection against the pick-and-roll? - complicated question. There was a time when Kevin Garnett was really good in this regard. Probably good and now. - There is one chapter in the book "Seven Seconds or Less" Jack McCallum of "Phoenix" in sezone-2005/06 ... Wait, do you read it? - No. Jack a great journalist and a good guy, but I had never been read. I do not want to offend anyone, but to me, it's weird - read about himself. - Be that as it may, you mentioned that there is in the role of playmaker something which can not be learned. Do you still think so? - Yes. But give me an example. - Recently watched the game Brandon Knight. For me, it was obvious that he just did not have time to notice everything - and launches an attack even before all the details of the combination will be in the field. Is it possible over time to correct this deficiency? - Partially, yes. But it is extremely hard. People hardly realize how difficult it is to learn the vision of the site. It requires a tremendous amount of training, familiarization combinations, viewing videos. To learn this, you must learn to think differently. The benefit of some playmakers are entitled to make a mistake - and eventually they progress in terms of understanding the game. - Perhaps you can mention in this connection, John Wall. It is unlikely that he can boast an excellent vision of the site. But he is quick, athletic, and the team pays him so much time that progress seems inevitable. - It's the same with Westbrook, and Rose. I do not think anyone in the school could say, "Hey, these guys are well aware of the game and find a referral partner." But over time, they are getting better and better in this regard. - Which TV shows at the moment - is your favorite? - I'm trying to watch episodes of "News." - Watched the first two series. To be honest, terrible. - Yes, in my opinion, the script is too wise, and the actors often overplayed. But as for the loved ones will be able to refresh my memory? - Every offseason choose a show that I look and most of the summer. Last year it was the "Mad Men", now - "Breaking Bad." - I love both of these series. They are gorgeous. - What is your favorite mascot of the NBA? - Gorilla, without a doubt. - How often do you regret the photo , which depicts Mark Kyuban, and you with Dirk Nowitzki in cowboy hats? - Oh, my God! I do not believe in repentance, but look at this picture at least uncomfortable. I remember that it was a photo for Sports Illustrated. Initially, she could do to get on the cover of the magazine, but in the end turned out to be on the strip with the material for us. We then won our first playoff series. I am glad that he was at someone's back. But in any case, it's terrible.


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