
Monday 5 August 2013

Matt Barnes the best scorers in the league and the desire to win the title.

Forward "Clippers' Matt Barnes - of charity, a difficult beginning of his career, the best scorers in the league and the desire to win the title.
Matt, you finance your own basketball camp, which operates in the summer months. How old is he there? - Now comes the sixth year. I'll arrange it in Redwood City, together with the company that produces the most famous sports games.

- For what purpose you created it? - I wanted to do something for the other children, who love the game. As a child, I had the opportunity to participate in such events, so on the fourth or fifth season in the league thought that I could do something useful. Each year we attract 20-25 disadvantaged children and try to teach them some basketball skills, but also to convey the life experience that is useful to them. This year we visited the senator also going to come in Blake Griffin and Colin Kapernik (American football player. - Note. ""). Because of this the children can meet different people, not just athletes, to hear different opinions on a particular issue. - You have also launched a charity program "Athletes Against Cancer." What it means to you and why you decided to take up this initiative? - My mother died of cancer in 2007. 1 November she was diagnosed with the disease, and after 26 days it was gone. About a year later, after consulting with my wife, I opened a charitable organization. As a rule, we hold a golf tournament to raise money, but this year chose a slightly different direction. August 16 in Los Angeles, along with Snoop Dogg will hold a charity football match with celebrities. Basically it will be athletes and people from the music industry who are willing to come, have fun and help raise money for a good cause. - How do you persuade to take part Snoop Dogg? - We've known each other for many years, we can say, grew up together. Ever since I first met at the University of California at Los Angeles, we became close friends. And now at last joined forces for a common cause. - He recently changed his name to Snoop Dogg on Snoop Lyon and back. With what was the reason? - Yes, I heard, but I do not know more than you do in this story. I know him as Snoop Dogg, and therefore call. - you have been selected in the NBA Draft in the second round. And at first you had to go through a millstone league ABA. Tell us about that experience. - It was a crazy time. Travel by bus to the small towns and even in Mexico brought more life experience than basketball. By the way, thanks to this I got a chance to play with Dennis Rodman in the weeks before the team left. After that, I appreciate more what I have achieved in the NBA. - Is it true that if you did not break into the NBA, we wanted to try his hand in the NFL? - I played as a receiver. When played for his school team, then hit the 'Team players of the country, had the most touchdowns to his credit. So for me at that time football was the number one sport. The university was not very interested in me as a football player, so I switched to basketball. But there were invitations from some of the teams to come and try their hand, to show I was capable of. Later, when I moved to the "Golden State", decided that if did not really play too long, and this time, then maybe it's time to finish with the basketball. But, fortunately, Don Nelson has believed in me and gave a chance for which I grabbed with both hands. - Let's talk about the season in the "Golden State", when you knocked out in the first round of the playoffs, "Dallas." - This was a special team . The current "Clippers" remind me of the "Warriors": all the players on the team get along with each other, both on-site and off it. That season was just magical. We held it like a roller coaster, but we had enough talented players, and after the break for "Star Game" we gained momentum and began to play brilliantly, so hooked for the last ticket to the playoffs. Our team has played well all season against the "Mavericks", including due to the fact that Nelson came from there, and he knew how to resist Dirk Nowitzki. We were going to win, and the question was only how much it will spend on the game.

Matt Barnes with actress Gloria GovanMatt Barnes with actress Gloria Govan- How much better Nowitzki was as a player, when you meet them in the playoffs for the second time in 2011?

- Dirk - a phenomenal player, a real monster. We played against him, except by showing everyone that custody with him can detach and three people with no loss in quality. He has an incredible set of skills for his height, but in spite of this, I and Stephen Jackson were going to stop him. I think we've got enough to act effectively against Dirk. When I met him for the second time in the game to crash, it already had an idea of how to defend against it, even conceding the growth and dimensions, so that in 2011 it was not so damning on the floor, as in the time of our the first meeting. - How badly do you want to continue to play for the "Clippers"? - This club was number one on my list of priorities. Chris Paul and I talked a lot during the season and would like to stay together in this team. Chris the best player with whom I only had to go to the site on the same team. Playing with him, you feel as comfortable and confident. I think we can be champions, so both were happy to stay in the team. - How closely you've been following the events of the off-season? - When you have not yet signed a contract, it is always quite closely watching how the behavior in the off-season team, with which you would like to sign the agreement. It was pretty interesting. There is one thing I have learned in his 11th year in the league miss rumors pass. In the offseason, especially a lot of them, so do not make any unnecessary movements, until I hear the real deal from one of the clubs. - One of the main events of the summer - the transition of Dwight Howard, with whom you played together in "Orlando" in "Houston". Surprised by his decision? - No, not at all surprised. In the past year, many predicted "Lakers" fight for victory, called them the main favorites. The team with their leader in the face of Kobe Bryant has been the face of the league. But things went a different scenario. Since Phil Jackson left, the results are on the decline. Team assembled good players, but they did not manage to combine in such a way that each bring maximum benefit. In particular this applies to the coaching staff and all team personnel. - What is your relationship with Bryant? - Good enough. We can say that he led me to the "Lakers" in his time. As soon as he found out that I was a free agent, he asked what I plan to do next. Replied that'm negotiating with several teams. Then he suggested the "Lakers" as a place to continue their careers. I thought about it and decided that this was a great option. Then I gave up much more money that the team offered to small markets for the chance to win the title, returning to the West Coast. - it was hard not to play with such headstrong guys like Artest and Bryant? - No, it was great. We got along very well and showed a good game. - Can we talk about the irreconcilable rivalry, "Clippers" and "Lakers" or is it more fiction press? - Honestly, being a fan of the game and part of it, I can not talk about the rivalry. I'm sure by now in Los Angeles is "Clippers" are the strongest team. We still have much to ulushit own game to the rivalry reached a new level. We have successfully played with "the Lakers' last season and hope to repeat that success again in the new. - It is said that the team has everything to seriously claim the title of champions? - Definitely. Any result other than victory in the championship, will be regarded as a failure. We have a great structure for the campaign for the title, and now a coach who knows how to win. Therefore, if we do not win the title of Larry O'Brien, the season will be lost to admit. We simply do not make sense to put other tasks. In the past year, "Clippers" scored 56 victories, including a series of 17 had VICTORIA row, although in the end lost in the playoffs pretty quickly. But the failure of last season will not affect the new campaign for the title. In recent years the club has changed beyond recognition, but we have not yet achieved the main goal. The failure of a series of "Memphis" was good motivation, the driving force for every player and member of the club to become even better and achieve more in sezone-2013/14. - You know, for the most part thanks to excellent game in defense. Against whom is the most difficult to defend? - Uh ... I think that, in spite of the injuries, it's Kobe. He is strong mentally: causes you to make mistakes and then pay for their own mistakes. There are plenty of other talented players in the NBA, but such cool scorers - units. Carmelo Anthony is also very developed physically and little compromise in the power struggle. About LeBron can only speak in a superb colors. And Kevin Durant. These four guys, probably the best scorers in modern basketball. But, you know, I love the competition, new challenges. Good attack always wins a good defense, but my goal - to make sure that the opponent had to give everything for this without a trace. Do not let them go to the free-throw line. So if they want to score 30 points, then get them to commit at least 25-30 shots before they get to the desired mark. It is also important to force opponents to spend in the defense forces - it will go only a plus. - And speaking of those who came into the league in the last couple of years. Let them have not yet entered into the elite, but against whom play in the protection given to the hardest? - I note Damian Lillard. I trained with him in the offseason. He moves well on the court, has a good shot in the arsenal. Kairi Irving no worse. Though they play at the point guard position, they know how to score, which is very important. Paul George recently demonstrated to the world that capable. Yes, he is not infallible, and sometimes makes unnecessary shots, but at the end of the game is often close to a triple-double. I think that when he learns to make the right decisions in almost any situation, it will be a fantastic player. - Who is more powerful, "Danker": Dwight Howard, at its best, or the current Blake Griffin? - I would say, Blake. Dwight is good in the "paint", and from there he often dunks, while Griffin may well start moving to the ring from outside the three-second zone. At the moment there is hardly a more vivid artist slam-dunks than he is.


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