
Wednesday 7 August 2013

Kohl in fiction cunning

"Milwaukee" with the departure of Jennings and Ellis did not become stronger or weaker, and therefore the number of questions to Herb Kohl and John Hammond has increased.
For the first time in four years, "Milwaukee" will hold a training camp without Brandon Jennings - point guard left the camp of the club from the beer capital of the United States.
After nearly a month of searching and negotiating teams restricted free agent went bankrupt in the city of Detroit. In the opposite direction marched quarterback Brandon Knight , forward-vtorogodka Chris Middleton and Ukrainian central Thank Kravtsov , who was overseas persistently called Russian. Reaction to the exchange has been mixed: the first uttered a toast to the fact that at last, "Mr. 55 points for the evening" left Wisconsin, the latter lamented that the leadership has been unable to find appropriate partners point guard. history of relations "Buck" and Jennings was contradictory: The first represents the city, whose population values ​​in the first place fighting spirit and willingness to die on the floor, while Brandon is paid to play in the defense of not more than 10% of the effort, and worked on the team is clearly less than the put. On the other hand, neither Scott Skaylz or Jim Boylan and could not find a use Jennings in the end and all adding to the team Monta Ellis , thus further reducing the time that the guard would like to spend with the ball. Back in the fall off of their wards Skaylz out in the playoffs, and praised the children talked about the great "chemistry." After a while, he was forced to resign the leadership, which wanted more than getting into the playoffs, but the very fact and created this crisis. However, this last case - a colleague Zurab reading already talked about who and what has benefited from the exchange. The question whether there is life after Jennings, the agenda is not necessary, but there is another: what is this very life? At first glance it seems that the "Bucks" exchanges made ​​for exchanges. Introducing Yannis Adetokunbo , considered in the long term, the club signed an agreement with Zaza Pachulia and hints at what is now ready to fight for a spot in the playoffs. Understand the club owner Herb Kohl is possible - go to the spring part of the championship already this season, but in the future a young battle-worthy team. Everyone knows that fish eat at other parallel activity impossible. However, the club is trying to go their own way. Had the "Milwaukee" this summer have caught Jeff Teague, along with Kevin Martin, and the NBA Draft took more than ready for the NBA Sergey Karasev , the ambitions of the team would be considered quite a different angle. Personally, I find less likable than Teague, but oh well. They should at least have built a system around the genius of Defense Larry Sanders , diversify forward through the active use of Ersan Ilyasova and give carte blanche to Brandon Knight and John Hanson , so that they have demonstrated that they are ready (or willing) to become the core of the club the best league in the world. If health will not prevent young people will continue to evolve, and Larry Drew inspire his players to great achievements, the "Bucks" will be able to compete for the sixth to eighth place in the Eastern Conference. Subsequently future approximately the same. Team will be a few good-quality basketball players who are not prompted for a high salary, and whose capacity will correspond to the position in the standings. Predict the same final place "Bucks" - a thankless task: they can become a "cute team with a new coach," like 10 years ago (a trio of Desmond Mason - Joe Smith - Michael Redd led by George Karl ) and win at least 30 meetings per season if the injured party will not pass Sanders and Ilyasov. crucial for understanding the future direction of the club will be active in the market before the transfer deadline in February. They need to determine the path and the best, of course, looks refusal to "win now" in favor of "win later". The reason is that for many years, "Bucks" can not barter for basketball around which will build a battle-worthy team. Monta Ellis had been in the team less than two seasons, but left Andrew Bogut - despite the injury, one of the best "big" association "price-quality". Trying to create something around John Selmonza ended in failure, a pair of Jefferson - Villanueva was not less than a nightmare. All these exchanges are a la trade JJ Redick did not benefit the club - now in the "Magic" Tobias Harris becomes the basis of a good player, but Redick successfully merged into the "Clippers". All these exchanges symbolize the era of John Hammond , once a better general manager of the year, and now the man who has done from the "Milwaukee" club, which has no chance of a high peak, the yield of the second round of the playoffs. Knowing very Hammond inclined to conservatism, the club is unlikely to again be decided on a series of exchanges in order to receive the draft of the peaks. In this case, we look forward to becoming a leader of the club Sanders, Knight and Hanson, waiting for a miracle from Adetokunbo, do not forget about OJ Mayo , who proved their worth in the "Dallas." Coupled with the Hersant, Zaza, Gary Neal, Luke and other Ridnur gets a good team. To search for harmony between experience and youth invited Larry Drew . Analyzing his experience in the "Atlanta", you can come to the conclusion that selfish in his team there, but in terms of "chemistry" is hard to find his equal charges. Actually, two problems that could not solve any Skaylz nor certainly Jim Boylan . Once again, Drew will manage a team whose ceiling - to the second round of the playoffs, but in which the talent shortage is even more significant than the 'Hawks. " The big question that confronts Larry - whether Knight adequately replace Jennings on the part of productivity, especially given the fact that conservatism general manager, coupled with the lack of flexibility in the payroll make it unlikely improving their talent in the next couple of years. Here we come to the study of card payments, which raises questions. Of course, the requests have been former point guard, "Bucks" could not satisfy: all the same eight-digit sum Jennings deserves. As a result, the money gradually redistributed among just three Playmaker: returning to the "Milwaukee" Ridnur, a young Knight and left the "San Antonio" Nile. Here we must pay tribute to the leadership - the course is undoubtedly justified. More recently, the composition joins Nate Walters , but he is unlikely to take place even in the application. The same applies to the defenders - OJ Mayo to its last year's performance proved that deserves its 8 million a year, Yannis will be an excellent addition. But then begins the real difficulty - questioning the ability of Carlos Delfino defend, especially against a marker opponents. Ilyasova trumps size, which is often played as a small forward, but it is inferior to the mobility of the first two significantly. Chris Middleton, in theory, agile and defense is not bad, but can not attack at all. Ilyasova Set Why is the "third"? Because now, "Buck" at least two powerful striker who can go out into the start - Ekpe Udo and John Hanson - and as much as four pivot: in addition to the aforementioned patchouli, Sanders and Kravtsov in the listed and Miroslav Radulitsa . As a result, all of the Citizens do not occupy so much space in the sheet, but there are two important nuances that make it virtually impossible gain in spite of the 7 million under the salary cap, the market is no longer free agents who could fundamentally strengthen the collective. And the most important thing is that in the "Milwaukee" has listed 16 people, so that even with a strong desire will first have to carry out a whole series of trades. Obviously, now, "Buck" need a good small forward - I honestly do not understand why the management does not is no work in this direction. In the context of this weakness question arises: why sign Miroslav Radulitsu and Gary Neal ? Suppose Yannis will be used on a "third", but no Greek Nigerian origin, nor Argentine nor the Turks were not encouraging. Hopefully, the club will be able to draw under the banners of a cool small forward. In the next year, "Milwaukee" to offer long-term contract by Larry Sanders, if you believe the rumors, the leadership is going to do and that is strictly true. Due to the large number of contracts expiring next summer centerline will get something close to 12 million a year. However, if by that time the team did not appear quality, "the third number," then centering will have reason to leave the team and go for the rings. In any case, Larry Drew should go the way of Wall Van Gundy , who has managed to build centering around the battle-worthy team and held it to the end. No, do not make sense to begin discussing the work of the judges and permanently subject to penalties, "Buck" have all the chances to build game on the principle of "Orlando" since Howard . Care Mike Dunleavy was a painful loss for the club, however, having Knight, Mayo, Neil, Delfino and at worst Ridnur, trust Drew can turn into a deer that will be worn along the three-point arc, stretching the opponents defense and creating space for the throw. Sanders has already proved that he is not only a pillar of defense, but also the power of others in the ring. A similar pattern of the game, coupled with a deep rotation will do what they want Herb Kohl and John Hammond: the team starts winning. But without major changes, it will not pass beyond the second round of the playoffs, what the fans are no strangers: the last time in the finals of the conference "Buck" came out at the time of Ray Allen . If anyone does not remember, then Ray-Ray spent four years in the "Seattle", five in "Boston" and the season of "Miami." So in memory of the fans, "Bucks" this time and was able to rub off. About the time of Karim Abdul-Jabbar and Oscar Robertson to speak and did not want to.


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