Hello, dear visitors of the site NBAforsports! Today we will tell you the methods of increasing your height for basketball game. It took several days, during which time I have carefully studied the question of increasing growth .
As a result, and there was this article that can provide answers to most questions related to the growth of basketball players. So, if you are willing to devote a few minutes of your time to read, you'll learn about the 5 ways to increase your height.
How to increase growth
Still want to make a small digression. I just went to the wall, took a pencil and measure their growth. Given the uncertainty in the measurements, it was 178-179 cm That is, in the last year or two, my height did not change (or my curves measured something wrong hands.) So, for all the players my height I will say at once: this increase is enough to feel confident on the court. Enough to get to the ring and put blokshoty. Enough to compete for selection. In fact - enough for all! Ah, yes, the score slam-dunk ... Two years ago, I was very close to that, maybe - it was the peak of my physical fitness, but that's when I'm serious ankle injury . Long-term recovery and slight fear of re-injury (or even natural laziness) do not give me the opportunity to jump so high. Though - maybe this season ... So, now clearly on the subject. During the process of the growth of bones in our body responds hormone called somatropin . Human biological growth continues until 23-27 years of age (all individually, these numbers can be different for each individual person), and it depends on the availability at our bones, cartilage formation. If they harden - believe that everything is not going to grow. So, let me introduce to you five ways to increase your height :
- straightening posture;
- proper nutrition (hormones, vitamins, healthy food);
- complexes of physical exercise;
- surgical exposure;
- "Slyly * opye techniques however artfully opyh professionals."
Increasing growth by straightening posture:
This method can help even if you do not grow for many years. Need only anything - straighten your posture. For this we need to systematically perform some simple exercises for stretching the spine. And yet - these exercises are a good prevention of disease scoliosis and other similar diseases. At different sites that offer different sets of exercises and even composed complexes, but to say that it will suit you - I can not. So - I see a few ways out of this situation: you can go to YouTube , type in the search string "stretching the spine" or "stretching the back.This technique can naturally increase your height by about an inch (depending on the curvature of the spine). I want to warn you: the spine is everything! Be careful when doing any exercise is designed to strengthen the back muscles: improper operation may cause serious injury!
Eat right - better to grow!
The first component. Today there are so many hormones to increase growth. This method is ideal for those people who have growth hormone deficiency (this problem has been to the famous footballer Lionel Messi). First we go to the doctor and conduct a comprehensive survey of his body, particularly in the presence of growth zones (the same cartilage on the bones), the concentration of "somatomedin C", etc. According to the statements of experts, this approach can increase growth by 10-12 centimeters during the first two years of treatment. Of course, all will grow bone tissue of your body.
I repeat: this method is appropriate to apply only when the deficiency of growth hormones, otherwise - the result can not be, or it is not as little as you would like.
The second component will vitamins. Responsible for growth Vitamin A and two "helper" Vitamin: vitamin C and vitamin E. The regular use of these vitamins, growth hormone increases the concentration of 20-25%. Per day to about 150 milligrams to take 100 mg of vitamin C, 50 mg of vitamin E. In addition to these two vitamins can take nicotinic acid ( nothing of cigarettes with nicotine ) - a vitamin P. More about vitamin A and vitamin for athletes .
And once again about somatomedin. Its concentration in the body can be improved by using zinc formulations. Zinc can be obtained from food (raspberries, black currants, dates, cocoa, nuts, lentils) or taking drugs from the pharmacy.
Exercise to increase growth:
In fact, all of the physical exercises aimed at increasing growth lie in strengthening the muscular holding the spine and stretching of the spinal column . About stretching and strengthening we said in the beginning, but it-would be foolish not to mention the exercise separately. After all, 95% of councils are to increase growth in the two theses:
- more SIIC on the bar;
- practice swimming.
I will allow myself to make some adjustments. Hanging on the bar - it's cool, but the main thing is not to overdo it. After all, if the time hovering on the bar to exceed 15-20 minutes a day - can be more harm than good. The spine of this sudden loads can zakostenet contrary: the intervertebral discs become more dense and lose the ability to be flexible and stretch. Stretching the spine necessarily combined with the injection of (strengthening) the muscular system - back muscles!
Surgical intervention for increasing growth:
Well, that's quite a scary thing. However - tell you about it. This is very dangerous and long-lasting method, however, gives 100% results. The operation is conducted, the essence of which is that the human leg break (yes, break!) And put them on a special device name Ilizarov ( and I always thought that is written Elizarova ). So, the first bone in this wonderful device fuse, and then enter the last phase - the bones stretch! First, it is in the hospital, and then continue suffering home. As research has shown, the growth could increase by 5-10 inches. Ilizarov, a case increases by 50 cm
What's wrong with this method? Yes, everything! It's really expensive. This is very dangerous: inflammation, bone unjoint a whole year with the devices on the legs, atrophied leg muscles, lack of exercise, etc. In short - this method I just flip out.
* Slyly opye techniques height increase
And now I want to tell you about the procedure by increasing the growth of auto-suggestion, and the concentration of the most common exercises to warm up the spine. There is a character like Mirzakarim Norbekov . Specialist, so to speak, and cure anyone of anything ( this is my opinion, so do not scold me much ). Let's start with the concentration (anyone who does not believe that the concentration and visualization work - just read the article: Coaching throw: 9 tips from Jay Wolfe ). Thus, during exercise, imagine how your spine is stretched in length and begins to grow. Now, do exercises to increase height.
Exercise number 1. shoulders facing forward, his chin tucked to his chest. Begin to slowly tilt your head and shoulders back and forth (15-20 reps on each of which takes about 5-6 seconds). now do one again - back prohrustelas, means - the spine is developed. Next, perform the following exercise: chin to his chest and leaned without lifting it are drawn to the stomach (forward). The top of our spine to bend like a bow. Shoulders need to pull together. Naturally, tilt back and repeats. Remember the breath moving forward is to exhale when moving back - breathe.
Exercise number 2. slopes of the right and left hands hold on conditional seams of trousers. Right hand to try to reach out to the right foot, left hand - to the left. Of course, that is practically impossible to reach, but make the spine more flexible - really. The essence of the exercise is that if your hands are not separated from the body - will have to bend the upper part of the spine. Slopes perform 10-15 times on each side, bent - exhale, straightening - breathe.
Exercise number 3. Sitting on a chair trying to bury his nose into the stomach. Hands undertake the seat and begin to pull the head to the stomach. Down - exhale, up - breath. Back to straighten completely. Move slowly for 5-6 seconds for each phase, the slopes of 10-12. And then try to bend back, how-to get the back of the head to the priests.
Exercise number 4. Rotate back. Starting position - back with the head in a straight line. We provide a turn of the head and shoulders to the right until it stops, as soon as reached the limit - a little tug on the line (for a couple of centimeters beyond the limit of its flexibility). Five of these movements for one turn, then again perform again. Then repeat a similar movement to the left.
In order to increase growth to a complex interaction of many factors. I suggest starting with the daily exercises designed to warm up and stretch the spine. Then, without fail, upload your back muscles so that they can confidently hold the spine. Then - the right food: vitamins, zinc, hormones (if any). Healthy and adequate sleep - at least 8 hours. Well also to represent the visualization: imagine how we grow.
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