Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman, Kobe Braint, Healey Grant, Shaquille O'Neal, and, finally, Michael Jordan - famous names of black players in the NBA can be listed for a long time. Today basketball is played, and white and African Americans - people of different nationalities and skin color. Now, no one puts a question like that: "Who better to play basketball - white or black players? '. Indeed answer is obvious.
Any more or less interested in this sport, if only he is not racist, say that long ago broke forth black guys. But it was not always so. Only a few decades ago, in some 60 years, to hear a similar response was simply impossible. And there were other people - everything was soaked notes of racism and ridicule, and basketball, in fact, was not the same. It was a game for White. Nobody could not believe in what the future holds for the African-American basketball players. Instead, all the coaches confirmed the same thing: "They do not know how to play, they do not know how to think" . In the sports world, even there was an unwritten rule - in the game at the site can be a "Negro" when you're playing at home, the two "Negro" when you play at a party, and three - when you lose. But in 1965, still an unknown coach Don Haskins, to stake their reputations and careers, for a small salary, becoming a coach outsider's basketball team "Texas Western Miners' and, breaking an unwritten taboo, immediately gaining 7 black players. This did not please everyone - and racist attitudes on the fans, and turned their noses sports experts, and even the host team. But the coach "Texas Western Miners' faith in the capabilities of these guys and did everything in his power to make them into a cohesive team fraternal. few weeks of persistent, grueling workouts, strict requirements and coach without good street preparation of the guys have done one of the best Championship teams. In the words of Don Haskins himself: "I started with the best!." With the start of the competition, it became clear that the time was well spent, and the team, "Miners" one by one began to smash opponents. All coaches were puzzled even in the fourth quarter of the final game, the players have always remained the same cheerful and strong as in the first. The victories they made a little sports experts restrain his ardor and angry taunts to slow to the team. Yet with each victory racist attacks were all Jabneh and Jabneh. Haskins came home letters coarse content team threw food, and when the players came out of the game, the players hotel rooms were thefts. There was even a time when, tired of the burden hanging over them, the team almost gave up. But the players, with the help, of course, their coach showed fortitude and has withstood all these attacks, reached the final of the U.S. Championships, becoming the main sports sensation of the season. Don Haskins team was to meet with the favorites - Kentucky invincible team and compete for the Cup . But oddly enough, on the very serious game against white guys Haskins put five African-American. We see him at the time wanted to prove to everyone that there are five blacks on the playground. And it was the right time. Prior to this season, all coaches and experts believe that the simpler the team is conducting play patterns, the higher the class of the team, but the guys from the "Texas Western Miners' showed real class team with many feints, showered and trompe l'oeil, and they have won a victory. Initially, the victory seemed not so obvious. A negative attitude to the team for next season Haskins only increased, but three years later the first team was formed, consisting entirely of black players. Now the way the sport was open to them. As for the merits of Haskins, then it is difficult even to overestimate, because, in the end, he assembled a team of winners and led her to the coveted league Cup. Willie Worsley, Bobby Joe Hill, David Lattin, Willie Keydzher, Nevil Shed, Ă…rst Artis and Harry Flournoy - the names of the winners of the first black. They had an epic battle that destroyed racial prejudice in sport and forever changed the history of basketball, which became a simple game that is open to any player that can go to the site and show everyone what he's capable of.
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