
Monday 10 June 2013

Montenegro - Ukraine - 0:4. FIFA World Cup 2014. Qualifying tournament

Reputable football experts shared their opinion on the match with a team of Ukraine national team of Montenegro.

- Got a surprise for you defeat the Balkan team in her lair?

Sergei Nagornyak , striker Ukraine 1990 :

- Of course, the final score could not have been surprised, but after playing with the national team of Cameroon, I was sure that the result of the match with the Montenegrins will be a positive for us.

The guys - well done, their actions in this meeting, you can only admire.

Of course, in the first half was a little anxious - some good moments opponent and removing Roman Zozulya did not promise anything good.

But after the break, the game has changed, and when Denis Garmash scored the first goal, it was clear that his wards Mikhail Fomenko not miss - Montenegrins became nervous and began to blunder.

Andrew Nesmachnyy , defender of Ukraine of the 2000s :

- Of course, this result was a surprise, because before the match Balkan team was the clear leader of our group, and beat this team visiting an expensive cost. Personally, I was confident before the game that our team will win, 1:1 or 0:0. And the events in the first half, clearly showed that the game ends in defeat. In short, our guys - great.

Vladimir SHARAN , midfielder of Ukraine 1990 :

- Honestly, was confident that our team will win this match, but the final score, of course, was a real surprise. In any case, it is assumed that it will not be easy - on such difficult stadiums to play, take a run. But as it turned out, Linnet and Yarmolenko was enough space for creative activities and they had this advantage.

- Given the events of the first half, did not think that the Ukrainian team a few lucky?

Nagornyak : - I would not exclude that, luck is always an important factor, and without it there is nothing in football. Well, in a match in Podgorica this capricious lady was on our side.

Nesmachnyy : - Carries the strongest. Our team was head and shoulders above his opponent. Despite the fact that everyone remembers Vucinic missed opportunity in the first half, though, let's not forget the fact that our players have a great chance to score.

Sharan : - No Fartagh in football anywhere. If you recall the same supermoment Vucinic in the first half of the meeting, it becomes clear that success in this match was on our side.

- The defeat - testament to the strength or weakness of the Ukrainian team Montenegrins?

Nagornyak : - Our team showed a great level of play and you can tell from the ashes of. Sometimes, Montenegrins simply lost on the football field.

Nesmachnyy : - I think in this game it all came together better than ever - after scoring the first goal, Ukrainians believed in themselves, and vice versa Montenegrins gave up too early. It was noticeable that during the break, Mikhail Fomenko had a good productive conversation with their wards. And functional team looked perfectly prepared - the team was a single mechanism.

We will not exclude the fact that balkantsy underestimated our team, for which he paid. By the way, the defeat of Montenegro - a great answer Dario Srna, who spoke before the game that the leaders of the Ukrainian significantly inferior to the leader of the opposing team. All proved on the football field - the same Jovetic and Vucinic and could not see, while Yarmolenko and Linnet actually made the game.

Sharan : - I can say that even after the removal of Zozuli was sure that for our team all goes well. Mikhail Fomenko deserves the most flattering words, as the head coach of our national team in the first place tactically outplayed their Balkan counterparts.

- Can you name a successful debut in the first official match of the naturalized Brazilian Edmar?

Nagornyak : - The middle line of our team deserves the highest praise. No exception and actions Edmar, who helped the team. It is gratifying that in this game on the field was one team, led by a common purpose.

Nesmachnyy : - Personally, his actions did not follow, but, in general, we can say that the midfielder "Metalist" harmonious part of the game and the team did a lot of useful information.

Sharan : - It was noticeable that Edmar overly nervous, its transfer partners if there were no marriage, it is difficult to name them confident. However, in the starting minutes sinned like the whole team - the same experienced Anatoliy Tymoshchuk, at times, admit mistakes and children fell into the central zone. But when the team settled down, the Brazilian and played much better.

- How do you assess the chances of the Ukrainian team at winning tickets to the World Cup in Brazil?

Nagornyak : - Prospects for the most optimistic - if the team played well in the next matches, you can overcome and for the top spot.

Nesmachnyy : - Our team has excellent prospects, but it will depend on how the team will hold matches against Poland and England. Of course, the long delay is unlikely to benefit the team - it is difficult to say in what conditioner will be players in the autumn after the start of the new season. You need to keep your eyes open - an example of some of the clubs in this league has demonstrated that it is not always possible to consistently play the whole cycle. Time will tell.

Sharan : - I will not dissemble and act like professionals who are already beginning to talk about how our team is to play in Brazil. I think this is still very early to tell. But our mentality is not correct - at first we ascend to heaven, and then fall to the ground hurt. Now the main thing is not to lose two home games in England and Poland, and only then calculate the various exit options for the World Cup. Everyone knows that the home team is playing worse than the Ukraine, so I would like to avoid shapkozakidatelskih sentiment. 


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