From recent perspectives, "Philadelphia" were only memories: Observer "surprised falling velocity eminent club. The fact that the "Philadelphia" examines David Vanterpool as a candidate for the head coach - great news. More precisely, will be great news if it eventually will be assigned to the post.
This is my personal opinion, I will not impose it on anyone, not even insist on it. In the end, I can not guarantee the success of the David in "Philly." I can only hope that he will succeed - just because the man I'm really pretty. because you all remember him to CSKA - it was impossible not to remember. Age forward with a load of injuries, at first surprised everyone with a lack of "Physics" and speed - with the full confidence of the Ettore Messina . Frankly, I myself was among those perplexed. But then Vanterpool started to surprise quite different qualities. Game intelligence, for example. Universalism (he's not even a "point-forward", but most of this playmaker played from time to time!). Fighting spirit, authority. And remained agreeable personality, clearly illuminated by extraordinary mental abilities (which many of his colleagues in the profession will not tell). When Messina took him to the coaching staff, it was logical. When at one point there were rumors about the possibility of his return to CSKA as an active basketball player (I have no idea about the extent of their truthfulness), it also did not look sensational. Such is the weight of a peasant, a reputation. Useful in any role - and often banal little meaning phrase, but it applies to Vanterpool in the fact that neither has a literal sense. Having worked in the NBA and scout and an assistant coach, last season he made a name for himself in earnest: the best new chempionata-2012/13 Damian Lillard did not hide his sensational rise - largely merit of the Vanterpool. For a young professional shopped - and now he was among those who can really get the chance to the most elite in the world of coaching basketball. Though, hey ... And is it really Vanterpool will be congratulated for such appointment? Chance opportunity, but on its own situation with the head coach in the "Sixers" now looks very strange. This is the fourth month went, as the team lost its former coach Doug Collins , and new and has not been found. For the NBA this state of affairs - a rarity. Legend "76's", never shy about expressing opinions sharp (and such from him - about half of what has been said) Charles Barkley has already passed the leadership of his former club. "Honestly, this is one of the most ridiculous stories, which I can not remember in professional sports for a very long time. I just am in Philadelphia this summer, so that I have the opportunity to monitor the situation. And it seems to me that the absence of the head coach of the club at such a late stage - it's some kind of joke. do not know why they wait. you're playing pre-season Summer league - people need to know who's in charge! "- Sir Charles said in an interview with Comcast SportsNet. And he's right, it's all really looks like a silly joke. 29 coaches prepare their teams for the season, make plans, and establish contacts with the players. And - are watching, as in "Philadelphia" anarchy. Fans seem to have become accustomed to it and waved his hand. It remains only to wait for the moment when the process pull the plug and basketball. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the club Scott O'Neill is trying to defend a simple logic: "What is better - to find the right person or certainly hire someone who is available right now?" That sounds reasonable, but only director does not specify how long he intends to look for that "right person"? Philadelphia reporters are categorical: the fact that the team still does not have a mentor, eloquently and clearly demonstrates the prospects of the upcoming season. Setting aside the strange methods and search terms steering, the overall picture in the club - not too hot. But until quite recently, "Sixers" were considered very interesting and promising team. Than one year - and the word "perspective" seems almost a mockery. Memorial trade Andrew Bynum turned to the "Philadelphia" nightmare. Share this story can be put in the dictionary - right under the word "disappointing." Give Andre Iguodalu and Nicola Vuchevicha for a basketball player who played for the "76's" for a minute. And it does not play ... Bad luck? No, this is called differently. This is a terrible risk, turning terrible losses. Traded one of the best players in the league, plus a potential young star (13.1 points and 11.9 rebounds per game on average - that's a 22-year statistics Vuchevicha in the last season of "Orlando"), a man with great mental and physical problems even more . Do they now have the right to say "we do not know"? I do not think. So in fact the story of the Fall did not end! At the 2013 NBA Draft bosses "Philly" again excelled, gromyhnuv exchange Dzhru Holliday on the newly selected "New Orleans" the sixth number Nerlensa Noel . Apparently, the pivot with torn to shreds "crosses" - this is karma. Holiday-that was not only healthy, but also made it last season to a "Star Game": 17.7 points and 8.0 successful pass per game! Outside the off-season in 2013 and "Philadelphia", more recently, to think about how confident of getting into the playoffs move on to more serious problems, preparing for the season in full fog. No Iguodaly nor Vuchevicha or Bynum or Holliday or even a head coach. There is only an injured Noel and hope that it will soon be found "the right person" ...
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